Stakeholders and benefits


What are the benefits of releasing OER?

Millions of pounds have been invested worldwide into the development of OER and yet the different benefits to the range of stakeholder groups have not always been well articulated or evidenced. Whilst there is increasing evidence of benefits to educational institutions (e.g. as a showcase) and to learners there is less evidence of the benefits to the people who are expected to go to the effort of releasing their learning resources - the teachers themselves. The UKOER Programme (2009-2012) has led to increased engagement of academic staff with OER and has generated some champions of open educational practices. It is worth noting that producers of OER often have a specific primary audience in mind, for example to support a particular course or to help a particular group of educators. Involving the intended audience during the design and release processes has been proven to have an impact on overall engagement and use of that audience, but this may not necessarily benefit wider audiences. Many OER are NOT pedagogically or technically accessible to a global audience.


For a fuller list of potential barriers and enablers, see the Overcoming barriers and finding enablers section.


OER links to several strategic goals, in the UK and worldwide.

OER release could also meet strategic needs, especially:


The following is a visualization of what the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation sees as the methods for equalizing access to educational resources worldwide:


(based on an original by Michael Reschke)



It is useful to tease out the range of benefits for different groups and to articulate these clearly as external funding sources may become more scarce. Sustainability of OER release is currently a significant issue for institutions around the globe and evidence of benefits must be clarified if resources are to be made available for continued release. It is also useful to identify which benefits are most relevant to each stakeholder group:


Good intentions: improving the evidence base in support of sharing learning materials (JISC study 2008) includes a table in the Supplement: Business Case section identifying benefits to different stakeholder groups with links to evidence. 




A significant contribution of the UKOER Programme was in articulating and providing evidence of benefits across a range of educational contexts and for a diverse mix of stakeholders across several sectors:


Learners can benefit from:


The OER originator can benefit from:


Other staff/users can benefit from:


Educational Institutions can benefit from:


Other sectors (eg, employers, public bodies, private bodies, 3rd sector)


The following Case studies provide accessible accounts of benefits from sharing resources openly:



OER is an international movement, linking innovative people and organisations in a common goal.


JISC infoNet has a range of online resources available on its website including activity that has direct links to the issues surrounding and related to OER, for example:


Dandelion Image CC BY Niffty..