A JISC Legal guide to Legal Aspects of Open Educational Resources, including copyright and other IPR issues, is available at Legal Aspects of OER.
The JorumOpen Licensing Guide (embedded to the right) outlines the Creative Commons licences available within JorumOpen, which currently offers depositors the option to choose from the Creative Commons V2.0 UK: England and Wales suite of licences.
Intellectual Property Rights
JISC has published guidance on the various types of open licences suitable for resources released by JISC/HE Academy OER programme. The Programme permits the use of any Creative Commons (CC) licence (be it ported or unported) but would need to see justification for the use of the No Derivatives clause.
A number of projects have published (as OERs) details of their own work regarding IPR, including details of policies and guidance for contributors, for example:
The CASPER project was established to support the RepRODUCE programme. It provides a range of online resources, including guidance on clearing background IPR, letter templates and licences. http://jisc-casper.org/
The Web2rights project was developed alongside the Users and Innovation programme. It created an interactive toolkit to facilitate the consideration of relevant issues when using web 2.0 resources in learning. http://www.web2rights.org.uk/. An animation based on the work of this project has been released, http://www.jisc.ac.uk/news/stories/2008/12/web2rights.aspx.
JISC Legal provides guidance on all legal issues associated with open educational resources (including intellectual property rights. provides guidance to the community on various legal issues, including intellectual property rights, http://www.jisclegal.ac.uk/ipr/IntellectualProperty.htm. There is also a JISC Legal video podcast specifically on OER issues (http://www.jisclegal.ac.uk/ManageContent/ViewDetail/tabid/243/ID/1150/OER--Legal-Matters--Webcast--051109.aspx).
The JISC IPR consultancy has also provided a range of materials in this area, including guidance specific to web 2.0, and useful background material for those unfamiliar with IPR issues:http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/projects/ipr.aspx.
The TrustDR project has produced a “development pack” dealing with IPR issues in content sharing: http://trustdr.ulster.ac.uk/outputs.php
Image CC BY-NC practicalowl
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