OER infoKit wiki Open Educational Resources infoKit / OER Use and Reuse

OER Use and Reuse

Page history last edited by Lou McGill 12 years ago


There is a lack of strong evidence around how Open Educational Resources are used and reused. It is relatively easy to track and measure metrics such as number of downloads of materials, time spent on site and location of visitors, but more challenging to find out if and how they have actually been used. Comment and rating systems may be used but, again, are not necessarily a guarantee of use.


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a long-standing commitment to releasing OERs under the 'OpenCourseWare' programme. Their 2005 evaluation as to the programme's effectiveness and outcomes is available as an summary [PDF] or full report [PDF]. The 2009 report is currently only available as a summary [PDF].

  • JISC's Re-purposing & re-use of digital university-level content & evaluation (RePRODUCE) summarized the findings of 20 projects that aiming "to develop, run and quality assure technology enhanced courses using reused and repurposed learning materials sourced externally to their institution."

  • The Open University run an ongoing Impact evaluation on use of their iTunesU offering. 

  • The ORIOLE project, based at the Open University has a focus on investigating, understanding and disseminating about use and reuse of digital online resources in learning and teaching. 


The JISC/HE Academy UKOER programme (2009-2012) considered which kinds of OER are relevant to different stakeholder groups and considered issues around granularity, pedagogic context, discoverability, accessibility and re-use. Phase 2 offered some interesting insights into OER requirements and considerations for different subject disciplines and phase 3 looked at needs of an interesting range of different stakeholder groups (including part-time tutors, HE in FE, Schools, public sector, NHS, private sector (including commercial publishers).


Practical issues relating to the above can be found in Wiki Educator's OER Handbook.


 See also practical guides and resources produced by the UKOER Programme:

UKOER Guides Pedagogical Aspects


Phase 2 of the UKOER Programme included two research studies around use:



Dandelion Image CC BY nerdegutt 













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