OER infoKit wiki Open Educational Resources infoKit / Pilot Programme - OER Release Outputs

Pilot Programme - OER Release Outputs

Page history last edited by Doug Belshaw 13 years, 8 months ago


These pages aim to draw together outputs from projects funded by the joint JISC/Higher Education Academy Open Educational Resources Pilot programme (April 2009 - April 2010).


Outputs include a range of guidance documents, articles, reports and information around the stories of the journey taken by projects as they endeavoured to release existing content openly. Each project also has a website and blog.


OER release

The pilot programme's focus was on OER Release and was interested in addressing several issues. This section includes key documents from projects that speak to the broad questions about oer release and what we have learned during the pilot programme. More specific outputs are listed in the following appropriate section/s.



Project Evaluation documents


Presentations at events led by or including significant input from OER Pilot Projects


Presentations by the OER Synthesis and Evaluation Team on Pilot Programme outcomes


General project outputs with overarching themes

Press and magazine coverage

OER has been covered very positively in the UK press.


Two articles appeared in the online THES in April 2010 (Times Higher educational supplement) focussed on the MMTV Project using social wreb tools to market OERs:

Articles in Subject Centre magazines about the Humbox Project:

Final reports

Institutional Strand



Individual Academics Strand

Project final reports will be made available on the HE Academy Project pages



Subject Consortia Strand

Project final reports will be made available on the HE Academy Project pages



OERs released by the Pilot Programme Teams 

All UKOER projects' learning and teaching resources are also to be released via JorumOpen, using the #ukoer tag.


Institutional Strand



Individual Academics Strand



Subject Consortia Strand 




Image CC BY kaibara87

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