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Pilot programme outputs - Guidance and support
Page history
last edited
by Lou McGill 11 years, 8 months ago
This page has now been updated to include projects from all three phases of the UKOER Programme and is incorporated into the UKOER guides and toolkits page. Please go there for up to date information. Thanks
Guidance and support
Many projects highlighted the need for good guidance and support for staff in a range of areas and several produced their own marterials. These ranged from workshop activities, toolkits, screencasts, FAQs and guidance documents. Whilst some of this guidance is specific to an institution they are likely to be very useful to the wider community.
General introductions to OERs
- OER staff development workshop - supported by Cloudworks Nov 2009 and Analysis of workshop evaluation questionnaire (Open Exeter, University of Exeter with support from the Open University)
- Staff training sessions summary (OpenSpires project, University of Oxford)
- OER Basics (OpenSpires Project, University of Oxford)
- FAQs (OpenSpires Project, University of Oxford)
- Open Educational resources at Leicester (OTTER Project, University of Leicester)
- FAQs (OTTER Project, University of Leicester)
- Survey results of OER staff development workshop evaluation (Unicycle Project, Leeds Metropolitan University)
- Guidelines for evaluating value of materials for use in the OER Project (Unicycle Project, Leeds Metropolitan University)
- Joint staff OER guide booklet led by Leeds Metropolitan University with contributions by others - (Unicycle Project, Leeds Metropolitan University)
- Releasing Open Educational resources, including how to clear a resource for open release, dealing with 3rd party content, Creative Commons licensing and how to upload/download resources to Flickr, Scribd, Slideshare and YouTube CORE-Materials Project)
- Humbox guide to oers (Humbox Project)
- STEM OER Guidance Wiki This wiki constitutes a collection of guidance documentation on all aspects of Open Educational Resources (OER), produced by the STEM project teams from a number of Higher Education Academy/JISC OER pilot projects, and is based on the teams' combined experiences working with practising academics to explore the issues surrounding OER production and release. The resource has been designed as a starting point for those interested in OER, and contains a general overview, information on intellectual property rights, packaging and uploading resources, evaluating suitability of resources and ensuring their promotion and sustainability.
- OER Briefing Paper - Turning a Resource into an Open Educational Resource (OER) - (Skills for Scientists Project)
- OER MEDEV: 14 scenarios/use cases (66 more planned) (MEDEV Project)
- OER-CSAP toolkit (CSAP Project)
- OER-CSAP six partner case studies (CSAP Project)
Guidance on producing materials
Guidance on legal issues
Guidance on hosting and deposit
Guidance on using materials
Guidance on marketing
Pilot programme outputs - Guidance and support
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