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UKOERGuides LegalAspects
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by Lou McGill 11 years, 9 months ago
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Legal aspects - practical resources and guides
The OER IPR Support Project produced a range of excellent practical resources for UKOER projects
UKOER Projects also produced a wide range of practical materials of value to the wider community.
General legal guidance materials
- OER Legal matters interview broadcast as JISCLegal Webcast (Open Exeter Project, University of Exeter)
- Identifying provenance of learning materials - guidelines for Academics (Open Exeter Project, University of Exeter)
- Staff poll relating to Image use (Unicycle Project, Leeds Metropolitan University)
- IPR workshop survey responses (Unicycle Project, Leeds Metropolitan University)
- What is OER? licence and explanation of how people can use the OERs (brOME Project, Mark Van Hoorebeek, Bradford University)
- Student as producer and student IPR (Chemistry FM project, University of Lincoln)
- IPR and copyright when sharing educational resources, University of Southampton, 14 December, 2009. (Humbox Project)
- Copyright, Intellectual Property and Licensing: Institutional Report (Open Educational Resources (ADM-OER) Project)
- Releasing Open Educational resources, including how to clear a resource for open release, dealing with 3rd party content, Creative Commons licensing and how to upload/download resources to Flickr, Scribd, Slideshare and YouTube (CORE-Materials Project)
- OOER MEDEV toolkits: including: Patient and non-patient consent; IPR/copyright; Institutional policy; Internationalisation; Pedagogy/QA; Resource discovery;Resource upload (OOER and MEDEV Projects)
- Presentation: Intellectual Property Rights and Licences (Jason Miles-Campbell, JISC) (ORBEE Project)
- Video: IPR & ORBEE (Jason Miles-Campbell, JISC) (ORBEE Project)
- Copyright tracking sheet (OTTER Project, University of Leicester)
- Copyright guidence resources: links to a range of support materials available on the web (OTTER Project, University of Leicester)
- Lessons learned by the Copyright Officer of the OTTER Project, University of Leicester
- Copyright at Oxford (OpenSpires Project, University of Oxford)
- U-Now Copyright Statement (BERLIN Project, University of Nottingham)
- Copyright in Online Resources: Content Authors (OpenSpires Project, University of Oxford)
- Copyright in Online Resources: Content Users (OpenSpires Project, University of Oxford)
- FAQs on Copyright - series of MP3 podcasts Who owns copyright? How long does copyright last? Where would you inquire about copyright clearance? What resources are covered by copyright? Web pages and copyright Movies and copyright Music and copyright (OpenStaffs Project, Staffordshire University)
- Guide to Copyright (OpenStaffs Project, Staffordshire University)
- Summary of Copyright Quiz activities (OpenStaffs Project, Staffordshire University)
OERs - Copyright, Intellectual Property and Licensing Guidance (Open Educational Resources (ADM-OER) Project)
OER Depositor Agreement (Open Educational Resources (ADM-OER) Project)
UAL Seeking Permission from publishers letter (Open Educational Resources (ADM-OER) Project)
UCA Digital Resources Release Form (Open Educational Resources (ADM-OER) Project)
- IPR and Copyright when sharing Educational Resources Humbox/EdShare event (Humbox Project)
- GEES Teaching Resources to help with Copyright Clearance in C-change: GEES Teaching resources (GEES Project)
- Copyright video (RIPPLE Project)
- Creative Commons Overview video (RIPPLE Project)
- Contribution to Share and share alike (ACTOR workshop) (PORSHE Project)
- Contribution to IPR and copyright session at JISC conference (PORSHE Project)
- Share and share alike! 2 (PORSHE Project)
- Digital Professionalism and Consent Commons (PORSHE Project)
- Tiger Copyright Process (TIGER Project)
- Engage-event-copyright-and-licencing (Great Writers Inspire Project)
- Copyright (Great Writers Inspire Project)
Third party content
Takedown policies
UKOERGuides LegalAspects
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