UKOERGuides CulturalAspects

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Cultural aspects - practical resources and guides

includes staff development, digital literacies, culture change, academic practice, staff support, practice change, open educational practice


There are several issues relating to the many and varied cultures and sub cultures in the educational field. These include institutional/organisational culture, subject discipline related culture and professional cultures. Cultural issues often relate to perceptions of different staff and learners and their understanding of the benefits of opening their own, or using others' teaching and learning materials. This issue is described in more detail on the following pages: Cultural considerations ; Stakeholders and benefits


The following resources have been produced by the UKOER programme projects and these illustrate and highlight some of the cultural issues. Many of the resources include results of staff surveys, focus groups and workshop discussions. Most projects discovered that staff had very little initial understanding of OER and many had to spend significant time explaining and identifying benefits to the various stakeholder groups. 


Staff attitudes


Staff development


Staff roles


Open educational practice


Institutional culture change